
專題演講:Digital Transformation 2.0 - The Future Enterprise

  演講日期:2020/10/28 14:10 - 15:00
   主持人:鄭憲宗 / 國立成功大學教授 / 科技部資訊工程學門召集人
   演講人:朱賢良 / 國家高速網路與計算中心副主任

Digital Transformation has moved into the Data Driven era. And the innovations are mainly from the following areas: AI with Data, Cloud technology, Edge and 5G, and Security. This talk would like to give an overview about the major industry technology trends. In addition, I will give an overview of TWCC, the Taiwan AI supercomputer and the major building blocks.



  1. 佛羅里達理工學院電腦科學碩士


  1. 國網中心設施服務組組長
  2. 參數科技/顧問
  3. 迪吉多電腦/軟體專員
  4. 視算科技/技術行銷經理